Sunday, September 04, 2005

Tough Guy Challenge 2006

Tough Guy Chalenge

Davie, Karl and Andrew are definetly entering this in January. I think it will make a good CrossFit UK challenge so if you fancy it drop us an e-mail and we can start sorting out a team.

Also please remember that RALPH, A US CROSSFITTER is visiting London next week and we are trying to arrange a meet up in the Hyde park area around 6 ish Friday evening

All welcome: ideas for a meeting point with a climbing frame/good tree branch welcome.

we will be focusing on the famous muscle up ( including other ring moves, false grip etc) and then sling an agreed work out of the day in. Optional pub afterwards.

If you want to come Email

Anyone else with any rings?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Photographs from the Seminar

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